Before placing your order, please inform You sever if a person in your party has a food allergy!
thank you from The Ferrara's staff.
*must add state meals tax.
*additional charges on extras.
*price subject to change.
Consumer Advisory: Warning for Raw Foods
In Compliance with the Department of Public Health, We advise that eating raw or under cooked meat, poultry, or Seafood poses a risk to your Health.
Before placing your order please inform your sever if a person in your party has a food allergy!!!
thank from The Ferrara's staff.
*must add state meals tax.
*additional charges on extras.
*price subject to change.
For placing a order please call our store. For Any butcher or Catering orders placed, Orders must have at least a 48 hour notice, possibly more for special order items.
Thank You!
Ferrara's Market
store hours:
Closed Monday
Tuesday - Friday 11am-7pm
11 AM- 6PM
sunday 12pm-3pm